It is essentially a flat damage boost for every enemy that is within 8 meters of your character, which means you will always have AT LEAST 7.5% extra damage.īest used by: I would choose this over Hidden Blades for melee characters with slow attack speed, like warriors and Knight-Enchanter mages. Fade-Touched Bloodstone – +7.5% extra damage for every enemy within 8 meters (Tier 2)ĭespite being a tier 2 material, the Fade-touched Bloodstone is actually very, very good. I prefer to farm it from a group of Templars that spawn north-east of the Tower Camp in Emprise – you can save the game before fighting them, and then simply reload if the Fade-Touched Velvet didn’t drop. Where to farm it: Drop from Red Templars anywhere in Hissing Wastes or Emprise Du Lion. This effect is vastly superior to other spell-proc masterworks.īest used by: Melee or ranged characters with high attack speed or abilities that cause multiple attacks (like the mage’s Energy Barrage). This is arguably the best and most fun Fade-touched masterwork for pure damage, allowing you to cast the Hidden Blades ability, dealing roughly 500% weapon damage in total whenever it procs. Fade-Touched Plush Fustian Velvet – 10 % Chance to use Hidden Blades on a hit, 5 attacks (Tier 3) The Hidden Blades effect in action – copies of your character rapidly attack your target. You can either save the game before you loot the Silverite, and then keep reloading the game until you get a fade-touched one, or travel to another world area, and then come back and the Silverite will respawn. The best place I’ve found is the dragon area in Emprise Du Lion (past the broken bridge that you repair with a war table mission), around the Highland Ravager dragon in the Pools of the Sun, and slightly to the south. Where to farm it: Fade-Touched Silverite has a small chance to drop from normal Silverite ore deposits. My Reaver warrior and Assassin rogue went from chugging potions and constantly dying to surviving with no problem once I crafted an armor piece with Fade-Touched Silverite for them.īest used by: Any character will survive a lot easier with this masterwork, although it is more important for melee. You gain +5 guard with any attack (including spells) which is a massive survivability boost to any character, especially melee. There’s no question that this is the best fade-touched masterwork material. Top 5 Best Dragon Age: Inquisition Masterwork Materials Fade-Touched Silverite – On hit: gain 5 guard (Tier 3) And in some cases, they can even make or break your character’s build – as in the case of Reaver specialization warriors using the Guard on Hit masterwork.īut with so many choices, what are the BEST masterwork options?

Masterwork crafting materials are a great way to not only make your crafted gear a lot more powerful but also add cool effects to your attacks. Note: some Masterwork materials can have different versions (Snofleur skin, for example, can either heal 1% maximum health on attack, or give you a chance to cast Horn of Valor). There are 3 tiers of Masterwork materials – the higher tiers are found from higher lever areas / higher level monsters. You can then use these materials to fill the Masterwork slot in a crafted weapon or armor piece for powerful bonuses. Masterwork materials are special crafting components that come in the form of item drops and ore deposits.įor example, you have a small chance to loot Fade-Touched Plush Fustian Velvet off high-level Red Templar enemies, or to get Fade-touched Silverite from Silverite ore deposits.